Arkansas Populated Places 'c' List


Arkansas Populated Places Alphabetical Index

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Arkansas "C" Populated Places

 Additions and/or corrections to the database are encouraged! Simple Add/Edit Procedure.

Populated Place - Place or area with clustered or scattered buildings and a permanent human population (city, settlement, town, village). A populated place is usually not incorporated and by definition has no legal boundaries. However, a populated place may have a corresponding "civil" record, the legal boundaries of which may or may not coincide with the perceived populated place. Distinct from Census and Civil classes.
Displaying 1 to 75 of 77 records Next 75 Records
Name County
Cabool Cleveland
Cadron Faulkner
Calico Neck Columbia
Calis Benton
Camilla Lonoke
Camp Pershing Perry
Cane Island Craighead
Caney Nevada
Cannon Benton
Canton Sharp
Carnie Union
Carr Poinsett
Carter Washington
Case Greene
Casteel Baxter
Castleberry Bradley
Castleville Benton
Catorce Pulaski
Cave Benton
Cave Spring Carroll
Cedar Glade Howard
Cedar Glades Garland
Cedar Hill Howard
Chadwick Faulkner
Chalk Van Buren
Chambers Spring Benton
Champion Lincoln
Chant Scott
Chaplin Madison
Chappelle Lee
Charity Pulaski
Chastain Baxter
Checks Corner Benton
Cherry Grove Grant
Choctaw Village Desha
Clayton Nevada
Clayton Spur Polk
Clear Water White
Clebb Conway
Clementine Benton
Clements Jefferson
Cloquet Bradley
Clutes Searcy
Colburn Spring Scott
Cold Springs Saline
College Park Jefferson
Colville Benton
Commissary Greene
Como Cleveland
Compton Hempstead
Constance Chicot
Conville Baxter
Cooper Pike
Copperas Gap Perry
Cornhill Sevier
Cottage Hill Benton
Cove Creek Hot Spring
Covey Baxter
Cow Lake Jackson
Cow Mound Woodruff
Cowpens Monroe
Crawford Pike
Credit Craighead
Croak Cleveland
Cross Roads Washington
Cross Roads Benton
Cross Trails Sevier
Crossroads Pulaski
Crown Benton
Crump Benton
Cruse Dallas
Cumberland Pope
Cuneo Prairie
Cunningham Saline
Curtis Saline
Page 1 2 Next 75 Records
